Join OpenMP for SC’21!

We have a full line-up of activities for you, including a BOF, Tutorials, pre-recorded Booth Talks, a Book Drawing, and Giveaways. We will add content here as the schedule tightens up, so bookmark this page and keep coming back to learn more! In the mean time, be sure to register for SC’21!

Look for us on the show floor in Booth #919!

Not traveling yet? That’s okay: we’ve tried to make as much of our SC’21 offerings available to virtual attendees as we can. Learn more about that in each section below.

OpenMP Booth Talks

OpenMP Booth Talks are short presentations about specific tools, tips, or applications of OpenMP, typically delivered live in our booth.

Attending SC virtually?  In order to practice safe social distancing in the booth this year, our popular annual booth talk series will be 100% virtual.

Below is the list of the booth talks we have lined up so far for this year with links to videos and presentation PDFs.

  • OpenMP API 5.2 is Here!: Bronis deSupinski
  • NUMA in OpenMP—Home Sweet Home: Ruud van der Pas
  • Low-overhead Loop Scheduling in OpenMP: Vivek Kale
  • PyOMP: Using Numba to put OpenMP into Python: Tim Mattson
  • Using OpenMP loop transformations with Clang: Michael Kruse
  • Parallelware Analyzer: Static Code Analyzer for vectorization using OpenMP: Manuel Arenaz
  • Combining OpenMP tasking and target (GPU) offloading on heterogeneous systems: Pedro Valero Lara
  • OvO: Systematically testing a subset of OpenMP offload: Thomas Applencourt
  • SOLLVE OpenMP Validation and Verification Suite: Swaroop Pophale
  • Autonomous driving and OpenMP: Matthijs van Waveren
  • Behind the Pragmas: Johannes Doerfert  [coming soon!]

OpenMP Tutorials

SC tutorials are a great way to get a deep dive on OpenMP. Times and registration links are listed below. All of our tutorials are available virtually.

Mastering Tasking with OpenMP

Mastering tasking requires a change in the way developers reason about the structure and parallelism of their code, including the use of composable parallel software blocks and parallelization of irregular algorithms. This tutorial examines the tasking concept and features in detail and presents patterns as solutions to many common problems, focusing on performance aspects with extensive case studies and exercises.

You can connect to our remote servers during the tutorial, but the best option is for you to load an OpenMP compiler onto your laptop before the tutorial. Information about OpenMP compilers is available at

  • Date/Time: Sunday, 14 November 2021 | 8am – 5pm CST
  • Speakers: Christian Terboven, Michael Klemm, Xavier Teruel
  • More information

The OpenMP Common Core: A hands-on Introduction

OpenMP started as a simple API, but over the years it has become more complex. This tutorial will help you master the 21 items that OpenMP programmers use the most: the “OpenMP Common Core.”  We focus on C, but all exercises are available in both C and Fortran. We expect students to use their own laptops (Windows, Linux, or macOS).

You can connect to our remote servers, but the best option is for you to load an OpenMP compiler onto your laptop before the tutorial. Information about OpenMP compilers is available at

  • Date/Time: Sunday, 14 November 2021 | 8am – 5pm CST
  • Speakers: Tim Mattson, Yun (Helen) He, Alice Koniges, David Eder
  • More information

Advanced OpenMP: Host Performance and 5.1 Features

With the increasing prevalence of multicore processors, shared-memory programming models are essential. This tutorial explores OpenMP parallelization strategies for scalability and performance for multicore architectures. We focus on performance aspects, such as data and thread locality on NUMA architectures, false sharing, and exploitation of vector units. All topics are accompanied by extensive case studies and we discuss the corresponding language features in-depth, including recent additions of OpenMP 5.0 and 5.1 and comment on developments targeting OpenMP 6.0.

  • Date/Time: Monday, 15 November 2021 | 8am – 5pm CST
  • Speakers: Christian Terboven, Michael Klemm, Ruud van der Pas, Bronis R. de Supinski
  • More information

Programming your GPU with OpenMP: A hands-on Introduction

OpenMP originally focused on symmetric multiprocessors, but modern hardware has evolved. This tutorial is for attendees who already know the fundamentals of OpenMP and want to learn how to use the target directives to map code and data onto GPU devices. We expect students to use their own laptops (Windows, Linux, or macOS).

You can connect to our remote servers, but the best option is for you to load an OpenMP compiler onto your laptop before the tutorial. Information about OpenMP compilers is available at


  • Date/Time: Monday, 15 November 2021 | 8am – 5pm CST
  • Speakers: Simon McIntosh-Smith, Tom Deakin, Tim Mattson
  • More information

BOF: OpenMP Offloading and the 5.2 API

This year the OpenMP ARB will be releasing version 5.2 to refine the OpenMP directives and reduce the complexity of the specification. At this year’s BOF we will highlight some of the most exciting new features in the new release, along with the latest developments by OpenMP vendors and successes of OpenMP users. Attendees will get first-hand information from OpenMP ARB members and have a chance to engage with the representatives of the OpenMP ARB in an interactive discussion, ask questions, and provide their feedback as users. We want to hear what you think!

Our usual BOF format is adapted to encourage interactivity from a virtual audience. We will use online survey tools to get live feedback that we will integrate into the discussions with our virtual panelists. We will also allow virtual participants to ask questions and provide feedback both in written and in a call-in format.

Exhibitors Forum: OpenMP API Version 5.2 Update and Outlook

Since its creation in 1997, the OpenMP API has become the standard programming model for multi-threading in HPC applications and has enabled many scientific discoveries by making it easy for scientists to exploit the power of modern computers. The OpenMP API uses directives to augment code written in C/C++ and Fortran with parallelization, vectorization and offload information for the compiler. OpenMP has become a programming model that supports modern task-based programming as well as heterogeneous programming for offload devices such as GPUs, or even FPGAs.

In the week before SC21, the OpenMP Architecture Review Board plans to release Version 5.2 of the OpenMP API specification. This version is not only an incremental refinement of Version 5.1 of the specification, it also restructures the specification document and makes existing features more consistent in their syntax and semantics.

In this presentation, we will review the changes of version 5.2 of the OpenMP API and describe how they extend the current features of the OpenMP API. We will also provide an outlook on the future of the OpenMP API.

  • Length: This is 30-minute session
  • Date: Tuesday, November 16
  • Time: 3:30 pm CST
  • Location: Room 263 and virtual
  • Presenter: Michael Klemm, OpenMP CEO
  • Link: More details here.

Book Drawing: Enter for a chance to win an OpenMP book!

We will give away an OpenMP Book at the end of each day during the SC’21 Exhibit, November 15-18. Enter the drawing in the booth during regular show hours, or online using the form below, then you will be entered into the drawing each day. Our random drawing each day will include ALL the entries received from the beginning of this promotion through that day’s Entry Period. Full details, rules, and eligibility requirements are on this page below the entry form.

Attending SC virtually?  Those entering online or in the booth have an equal chance to win.

The winners will be announced on Twitter, and we will send an email to the winner asking for their name, their shipping address, and which one of the following books they would like to receive:

  • High Performance Parallel Runtimes
    (2021, by Klemm and Cownie) [info]
  • The OpenMP Common Core: Making OpenMP Simple Again
    (2019, by Mattson, He, and Koniges) [info]
  • Using OpenMP―The Next Step
    (2017, by van der Pas, Stotzer, and Terboven) [info]
  • A printed and bound version of the latest OpenMP specification

Full details below the entry form below.

Book Drawing – Entry Form

THE BOOK DRAWING HAS ENDED. Join us at SC’22 for another chance to win!

Details and rules for the SC’21 OpenMP Book Drawing

This drawing is part of the OpenMP ARB (OpenMP) participation in and activities for SC’21. The drawing is managed by OpenMP staff.

CONTEST OVERVIEW. The OpenMP Book Drawing will run during the SC’21 Exhibits: Monday, November 15 through Thursday, November 18, 2021. A winner will be chosen at the end of each day. The winner will be notified by email and will be asked to make a selection of one of the four books offered as their prize (from among the four books listed above), and for their shipping information.


  • Enter in-person at the SC’21 OpenMP booth (#919) starting on November 15, 2021; or enter online starting on November 1, 2021.
  • All entries have an equal chance of winning, regardless of entry method.
  • Non-winning entries remain in the drawing pool throughout SC’21 and will be included in subsequent drawings.
  • One entry per participant. Duplicate entries are manually expunged prior to each drawing, leaving only a single entry per email address.
  • Entries made after the entry deadline will not be included in the daily drawing for that day, but will be included in the drawing the following days. The promotion will be closed to entries on Thursday, November 15 at 6:00 pm (CST).
  • DAILY ENTRY DEADLINES (all times in US CST):
    • Monday, Nov 15: 9:00 pm
    • Tuesday, Nov 15: 6:00 pm
    • Wednesday, Nov 15: 6:00 pm
    • Thursday, Nov 15: 6:00 pm
  • DAILY DRAWING TIMES: Random drawings for each daily winner will occur between the following times (all times in US CST):
    • Monday, Nov 15: Between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm
    • Tuesday, Nov 15: Between 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm
    • Wednesday, Nov 15: 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm
    • Thursday, Nov 15: 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm


When a winner is drawn from among all eligible entries, we will perform the following actions:

  • Remove the winner’s entry from the active list of entries so as to not be included in the daily drawings for subsequent days.
  • Send an email to the winner informing them of the win and asking them for (A) their choice of book to receive from among the four (4) books listed above, and (B) the address and phone number to use for us to ship the book to the recipient. THE WINNER’S ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER WILL BE USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS SINGLE MAILING AND WILL NOT BE RETAINED.
  • Ship the chosen book to the winner as soon as possible after SC’21.


  • Entering this drawing grants us the permission to (1) notify the winner via email, and (2) communicate with the winner as needed to ship the book.
  • Any entry that excludes an email address or includes an incomplete or ineligible email address will be disqualified.
  • Those entering the drawing are responsible for providing an accurate email address.
  • If the email sent to the winner “bounces” or is otherwise found to be illegitimate, the entry will be disqualified and a new entry drawn.
  • We will ship to the winner’s indicated address using reliable shipping or delivery resources. We are not responsible for incorrect addresses sent to us by the winner nor for issues that are the responsibility of the shipping or delivery resources.
  • The email addresses of entrants and winners will not be retained unless we are given explicit permission to retain it.
  • We are not responsible for errors that may occur due to internet outages, power outages, or hackers.