Brookhaven National Laboratory Joins the OpenMP Effort
30 vendors and research organizations now collaborating on developing standard parallel programming model.
Austin, Texas — April 19, 2017 – Brookhaven National Laboratory has joined the OpenMP ARB, a group of leading hardware and software vendors and research organizations creating the standard for the most popular shared-memory parallel programming model in use today.
One of 10 national laboratories overseen and primarily funded by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biological, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies, computation, and national security. Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry, and government researchers.
“Advancing the frontiers of high-performance and data-intensive computing is central to Brookhaven’s mission in scientific discovery. We are delighted to have at Brookhaven Prof. Barbara Chapman, a leading advocate and developer of OpenMP and other parallel programming paradigms. Our membership in the OpenMP ARB recognizes the importance we place upon OpenMP for our science portfolio, both now and especially looking to the future,” said Robert Harrison, chief scientist of the Computational Science Initiative (CSI) at Brookhaven Lab and director of the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook University.
“Strong OpenMP membership and continued growth help us in expanding the OpenMP programming model into new fields” said Michael Klemm, OpenMP CEO. “We are excited to welcome Brookhaven National Lab as an OpenMP member.”
The OpenMP ARB now has 13 permanent members and 17 auxiliary members. Permanent members are vendors with a long-term interest in creating products for OpenMP, while auxiliary members have an interest in OpenMP and do not create or sell products
You can find the full list of members on the OpenMP website.