Micron Joins the OpenMP Effort
26 vendors and research organizations now collaborating on developing shared-memory parallel programming model
SC15, Austin, Texas — November 15, 2015 — Through its acquisition of Convey Computers, Micron has joined the OpenMP ARB, a group of leading hardware and software vendors and research organizations creating the standard for the most popular shared-memory parallel programming model in use today.
“The OpenMP programming model provides a powerful, standard interface for users to access Micron’s heterogeneous system architectures” said Steve Pawlowski, VP of advanced computing solutions at Micron. “In the future, we hope to actively participate in the OpenMP ARB in order to augment support in the specification for heterogeneous memory devices.”
“Strong OpenMP membership and continued growth help us in expanding the OpenMP programming model into new fields” said Michael Wong, OpenMP CEO. “We are excited to welcome Micron as an OpenMP member.”
The OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB) now has 13 permanent members and 13 auxiliary members. Permanent members are vendors who have a long-term interest in creating products for OpenMP. These are AMD, ARM, Cray, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Intel, Micron, NEC, NVIDIA, Oracle Corporation, Red Hat, and Texas Instruments. Auxiliary members are organizations with an interest in the standard but that do not create or sell OpenMP products. They are ANL, ASC/LLNL, BSC, cOMPunity, EPCC, LANL, LBNL, NASA, ORNL, RWTH Aachen University, Sandia National Laboratory, the Texas Advanced Computing Center, and the University of Houston.