| OPENMP API Specification: Version 5.0 November 2018

1.2.7  Implementation Terminology

supporting n active levels of parallelism
Implies allowing an active parallel region to be enclosed by n-1 active parallel regions.

supporting the OpenMP API
Supporting at least one active level of parallelism.

supporting nested parallelism
Supporting more than one active level of parallelism.

internal control variable
A conceptual variable that specifies runtime behavior of a set of threads or tasks in an OpenMP program.

COMMENT: The acronym ICV is used interchangeably with the term internal control variable in the remainder of this specification.

compliant implementation
An implementation of the OpenMP specification that compiles and executes any conforming program as defined by the specification.

COMMENT: A compliant implementation may exhibit unspecified behavior when compiling or executing a non-conforming program.

unspecified behavior
A behavior or result that is not specified by the OpenMP specification or not known prior to the compilation or execution of an OpenMP program.

Such unspecified behavior may result from:

implementation defined
Behavior that must be documented by the implementation, and is allowed to vary among different compliant implementations. An implementation is allowed to define this behavior as unspecified.

COMMENT: All features that have implementation-defined behavior are documented in Appendix A.

For a construct, clause, or other feature, the property that it is normative in the current specification but is considered obsolescent and will be removed in the future.