| OPENMP API Specification: "Version 5.2 -- GIT rev 95b2e3a44"

19  OMPT Interface

This chapter describes OMPT, which is an interface for first-party tools. First-party tools are linked or loaded directly into the OpenMP program. OMPT defines mechanisms to initialize a tool, to examine OpenMP state associated with an OpenMP thread, to interpret the call stack of an OpenMP thread, to receive notification about OpenMP events, to trace activity on OpenMP target devices, to assess implementation-dependent details of an OpenMP implementation (such as supported states and mutual exclusion implementations), and to control a tool from an OpenMP application.

  19.2.5  Tracing Activity on Target Devices with OMPT
 19.3  Finalizing a First-Party Tool
 19.4  OMPT Data Types
  19.4.1  Tool Initialization and Finalization
  19.4.2  Callbacks
  19.4.3  Tracing
  19.4.4  Miscellaneous Type Definitions
 19.5  OMPT Tool Callback Signatures and Trace Records
  19.5.1  Initialization and Finalization Callback Signature
  19.5.2  Event Callback Signatures and Trace Records
 19.6  OMPT Runtime Entry Points for Tools
  19.6.1  Entry Points in the OMPT Callback Interface
  19.6.2  Entry Points in the OMPT Device Tracing Interface
  19.6.3  Lookup Entry Points: ompt_function_lookup_t