| OPENMP API Specification: "Version 5.2 -- GIT rev 95b2e3a44"

5  Data Environment

This chapter presents directives and clauses for controlling data environments. These clauses and directives include the data-environment attribute clauses, which explicitly determine the attributes of list items specified in a list parameter. The data-environment attribute clauses form a general clause set for which certain restrictions apply to their use on directives that accept any members of the set. In addition, these clauses are divided into two subsets that also form general clause sets: data-sharing attribute clauses and data-mapping attribute clauses. Data-sharing attribute clauses control the data-sharing attributes of variables in a construct, indicating whether a variable is shared or private in the outermost scope of the construct. Data-mapping attribute clauses control the data-mapping attributes of variables in a data environment, indicating whether a variable is mapped from the data environment to another device data environment. Additional restrictions apply to the use of these sets on directives that accept any members of them.

  5.1.1  Variables Referenced in a Construct
  5.1.2  Variables Referenced in a Region but not in a Construct
 5.2  threadprivate Directive
 5.3  List Item Privatization
 5.4  Data-Sharing Attribute Clauses
  5.4.1  default Clause
  5.4.2  shared Clause
  5.4.3  private Clause
  5.4.4  firstprivate Clause
  5.4.5  lastprivate Clause
  5.4.6  linear Clause
  5.4.7  is_device_ptr Clause
  5.4.8  use_device_ptr Clause
  5.4.9  has_device_addr Clause
  5.4.10  use_device_addr Clause
 5.5  Reduction Clauses and Directives
  5.5.1  OpenMP Reduction Identifiers
  5.5.2  OpenMP Reduction Expressions
  5.5.3  Implicitly Declared OpenMP Reduction Identifiers
  5.5.4  initializer Clause
  5.5.5  Properties Common to All Reduction Clauses
  5.5.6  Reduction Scoping Clauses
  5.5.7  Reduction Participating Clauses
  5.5.8  reduction Clause
  5.5.9  task_reduction Clause
  5.5.10  in_reduction Clause
  5.5.11  declare reduction Directive
 5.6  scan Directive
  5.6.1  inclusive Clause
  5.6.2  exclusive Clause
 5.7  Data Copying Clauses
  5.7.1  copyin Clause
  5.7.2  copyprivate Clause
 5.8  Data-Mapping Control
  5.8.1  Implicit Data-Mapping Attribute Rules
  5.8.2  Mapper Identifiers and mapper Modifiers
  5.8.3  map Clause
  5.8.4  enter Clause
  5.8.5  link Clause
  5.8.6  Pointer Initialization for Device Data Environments
  5.8.7  defaultmap Clause
  5.8.8  declare mapper Directive
 5.9  Data-Motion Clauses
  5.9.1  to Clause
  5.9.2  from Clause
 5.10  uniform Clause
 5.11  aligned Clause