| OPENMP API Specification: "Version 5.2 -- GIT rev 95b2e3a44"

List of Tables

2.1 ICV Scopes and Descriptions
2.2 ICV Initial Values
2.3 Ways to Modify and to Retrieve ICV Values
2.4 ICV Override Relationships
 3.1 Syntactic Properties for Clauses, Arguments and Modifiers
 5.1 Implicitly Declared C/C++ Reduction Identifiers
 5.2 Implicitly Declared Fortran Reduction Identifiers
 5.3 Map-Type Decay of Map Type Combinations
 6.1 Predefined Memory Spaces
 6.2 Allocator Traits
 6.3 Predefined Allocators
 11.1 ompt_callback_work Callback Work Types for Worksharing-Loop
 12.1 ompt_callback_task_create Callback Flags Evaluation
 18.1 Required Values of the omp_interop_property_t enum Type
 18.2 Required Values for the omp_interop_rc_t enum Type
 18.3 Standard Tool Control Commands
 19.1 OMPT Callback Interface Runtime Entry Point Names and Their Type Signatures
 19.2 Callbacks for which ompt_set_callback Must Return ompt_set_always
 19.3 Callbacks for which ompt_set_callback May Return Any Non-Error Code
 19.4 OMPT Tracing Interface Runtime Entry Point Names and Their Type Signatures
 20.1 Mapping of Scope Type and OMPD Handles
 21.1 Predefined Abstract Names for OMP_PLACES
 21.2 Available Field Types for Formatting OpenMP Thread Affinity Information

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