| OPENMP API Specification: "Version 5.2 -- GIT rev 95b2e3a44"

13.5  target data Construct

Name: target data

Association: block

Category: executable

Properties: device, device-affecting, data-mapping, map-entering, map-exiting, mapping-only


device, if, map, use_device_addr, use_device_ptr

  14.1.1  OpenMP Foreign Runtime Identifiers   14.1.2  init Clause   14.1.3  use Clause

Clause set


Properties: required

Members: map, use_device_addr, use_device_ptr


The binding task set for a target data region is the generating task. The target data region binds to the region of the generating task.


The target data construct maps variables to a device data environment. When a target data construct is encountered, the encountering task executes the region. When an if clause is present and the if clause expression evaluates to false, the target device is the host. Variables are mapped for the extent of the region, according to any data-mapping attribute clauses, from the data environment of the encountering task to the device data environment.

A list item that appears in a map clause may also appear in a use_device_ptr clause or a use_device_addr clause. If one or more map clauses are present, the list item conversions that are performed for any use_device_ptr or use_device_addr clause occur after all variables are mapped on entry to the region according to those map clauses.

Execution Model Events

The events associated with entering a target data region are the same events as associated with a target enter data construct, as described in Section 13.6.

The events associated with exiting a target data region are the same events as associated with a target exit data construct, as described in Section 13.7.

Tool Callbacks

The tool callbacks dispatched when entering a target data region are the same as the tool callbacks dispatched when encountering a target enter data construct, as described in Section 13.6.

The tool callbacks dispatched when exiting a target data region are the same as the tool callbacks dispatched when encountering a target exit data construct, as described in Section 13.7.


Restrictions to the target data construct are as follows:

Cross References