Section 2.1 shows the scope and description of each ICV.
| ||
ICV | Scope |
Description |
active-levels-var | data environment |
Number of nested active parallel regions such that all parallel regions are enclosed by the outermost initial task region on the device |
affinity-format-var | device |
Controls the thread affinity format when displaying thread affinity |
bind-var | data environment |
Controls the binding of OpenMP threads to places; when binding is requested, indicates that the execution environment is advised not to move threads between places; can also provide default thread affinity policies |
cancel-var | global |
Controls the desired behavior of the cancel construct and cancellation points |
debug-var | global |
Controls whether an OpenMP implementation will collect information that an OMPD library can access to satisfy requests from a tool |
def-allocator-var | implicit task |
Controls the memory allocator used by memory allocation routines, directives and clauses that do not specify one explicitly |
default-device-var | data environment |
Controls the default target device |
display-affinity-var | global |
Controls the display of thread affinity |
dyn-var | data environment |
Enables dynamic adjustment of the number of threads used for encountered parallel regions |
explicit-task-var | data environment |
Whether a given task is an explicit task |
final-task-var | data environment |
Whether a given task is a final task |
levels-var | data environment |
Number of nested parallel regions such that all parallel regions are enclosed by the outermost initial task region on the device |
max-active-levels-var | data environment |
Controls the maximum number of nested active parallel regions when the innermost parallel region is generated by a given task |
max-task-priority-var | global |
Controls the maximum value that can be specified in the priority clause |
nteams-var | device |
Controls the number of teams requested for encountered teams regions |
nthreads-var | data environment |
Controls the number of threads requested for encountered parallel regions |
num-procs-var | device |
The number of processors available on the device |
place-partition-var | implicit task |
Controls the place partition available for encountered parallel regions |
run-sched-var | data environment |
Controls the schedule used for worksharing-loop regions that specify the runtime schedule kind |
stacksize-var | device |
Controls the stack size for threads that the OpenMP implementation creates |
target-offload-var | global |
Controls the offloading behavior |
team-size-var | data environment |
Size of the current team |
teams-thread-limit-var | device |
Controls the maximum number of threads in each contention group that a teams construct creates |
thread-limit-var | data environment |
Controls the maximum number of threads that participate in the contention group |
thread-num-var | data environment |
Thread number of an implicit task within its binding team |
tool-libraries-var | global |
List of absolute paths to tool libraries |
tool-var | global |
Indicates that a tool will be registered |
tool-verbose-init-var | global |
Controls whether an OpenMP implementation will verbosely log the registration of a tool |
wait-policy-var | device |
Controls the desired behavior of waiting threads |