| OPENMP API Specification: "Version 5.2 -- GIT rev 95b2e3a44"

3.1.1  Fixed Source Form Directives

The following sentinels are recognized in fixed form source files:  

!$omp | c$omp | *$omp | !$omx | c$omx | *$omx  

The sentinels that end with omp are reserved for OpenMP directives that are defined in this specification. The sentinels that end with omx are reserved for implementation-defined extensions to the OpenMP directives.

Sentinels must start in column 1 and appear as a single word with no intervening characters. Fortran fixed form line length, white space, continuation, and column rules apply to the directive line. Initial directive lines must have a space or a zero in column 6, and continuation directive lines must have a character other than a space or a zero in column 6.

Comments may appear on the same line as a directive. The exclamation point initiates a comment when it appears after column 6. The comment extends to the end of the source line and is ignored. If the first non-blank character after the directive sentinel of an initial or continuation directive line is an exclamation point, the line is ignored.

In the following example, the three formats for specifying the directive are equivalent (the first line represents the position of the first 9 columns):
!$omp parallel do shared(a,b,c) 
c$omp parallel do 
c$omp paralleldoshared(a,b,c)