A point in the execution of a program encountered by a team of threads, beyond which no thread in the team may execute until all threads in the team have reached the barrier and all explicit tasks generated by the team have executed to completion. If cancellation has been requested, threads may proceed to the end of the canceled region even if some threads in the team have not reached the barrier.
An action that cancels (that is, aborts) an OpenMP region and causes executing implicit or explicit tasks to proceed to the end of the canceled region.
A point at which implicit and explicit tasks check if cancellation has been requested. If cancellation has been observed, they perform the cancellation.
An operation that a thread performs to enforce consistency between its view and other threads’ view of memory.
The set of devices for which a flush operation may enforce memory consistency.
A property that determines the manner in which a flush operation enforces memory consistency. The defined flush properties are:
COMMENT: Any flush operation has one or more flush properties.
A flush operation that has the strong flush property.
A flush operation that has the release flush property.
A flush operation that has the acquire flush property.
An operation that is specified by an atomic construct or is implicitly performed by the OpenMP implementation and that atomically accesses and/or modifies a specific storage location.
An atomic operation that is specified by an atomic construct on which the read clause is present.
An atomic operation that is specified by an atomic construct on which the write clause is present.
An atomic operation that is specified by an atomic construct on which the update clause is present.
An atomic update operation that is specified by an atomic construct on which the capture clause is present.
An atomic update operation that is specified by an atomic construct on which the compare clause is present.
An atomic operation that reads and writes to a given storage location.
COMMENT: Any atomic update is a read-modify-write operation.
An atomic construct for which the seq_cst clause is specified.
An atomic construct for which the seq_cst clause is not specified
An atomic operation that is specified by a sequentially consistent atomic construct.