Reduction scoping clauses define the region in which a reduction is computed by tasks or SIMD lanes. All properties common to all reduction clauses, which are defined in Section 5.5.5, apply to reduction scoping clauses.
The number of copies created for each list item and the time at which those copies are initialized are determined by the particular reduction scoping clause that appears on the construct. The time at which the original list item contains the result of the reduction is determined by the particular reduction scoping clause. To avoid data races, concurrent reads or updates of the original list item must be synchronized with that update of the original list item, which may occur after the construct on which the reduction scoping clause appears, for example, due to the use of the nowait clause.
The location in the OpenMP program at which values are combined and the order in which values are combined are unspecified. Thus, when comparing sequential and parallel executions, or when comparing one parallel execution to another (even if the number of threads used is the same), bitwise-identical results are not guaranteed. Similarly, side effects (such as floating-point exceptions) may not be identical and may not occur at the same location in the OpenMP program.