#pragma omp declare mapper(T v) map(tofrom: v)
Name | Modifies | Type | Properties |
mapper | locator-list | Complex, name: mapper Arguments:
| unique |
, ,Mapper identifiers can be used to uniquely identify the mapper used in a map or data-motion clause through a mapper modifier, which is a unique, complex modifier. A declare mapper directive defines a mapper identifier that can later be specified in a mapper modifier as its modifier-parameter-specification. Each mapper identifier is a base-language identifier or default where default is the default mapper for all types.
A non-structure type T has a predefined default mapper that is defined as if by the following declare mapper directive:
A structure type T has a predefined default mapper that is defined as if by a declare mapper directive that specifies v in a map clause with the alloc map-type and each structure element of v in a map clause with the tofrom map-type.
A declare mapper directive that uses the default mapper identifier overrides the predefined default mapper for the given type, making it the default mapper for variables of that type.
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