Last updated: 11/03/2000
1. Page 2, line 188
“at least one of the following are true” should be
“at least one of the following is true”
2. Page 5, lines 267-8
should be marked with change bars
3. Page 9, line 336
“spaces and tab characters” should be
“spaces and/or tab characters”
4. Page 14, line 507
Change “indicated” to
5. Page 15, line 557
“worksharing” should be
6. Page 15, lines 555-560
This paragraph should move to line 543+ to become the second paragraph of this section.
7. Page 21, line 719+
Copy page 20 line 699 about
8. Page 30, line 997
“It should be noted that the” should be
9. Page 37, line 1214
Delete “NOTE: “
10. Page 38, lines 1235+
Add following sentence at end of paragraph
“This initialization from the original object is performed once by each thread when it encounters the construct on which the FIRSTPRIVATE clause appears.”
11. Page 50, line 1629
“OMP_IN_PARALLEL” should be
“The OMP_IN_PARALLEL function”
12. Page 51, line 1650-1
Delete the sentence
“This function has effect only when called from serial portions of the program.”
13. Page 51, line 1655
Insert the following sentence at the front of this paragraph:
“The OMP_SET_DYNAMIC subroutine has effect only when called from serial portions of the program.”
14. Page 63, line 1877
“PARALELL” should be
15. Page 99, line 3067
“OMP_WTIME” should be
16. Page 99, line 3074
“OMP_WTICK” should be
17. Page 105, line 3210
Change “v1.1” to
18. Page 107, line 3256
Change “v1.1” to
19. Page 107, line 3257
Change “199910” to
20. Page 111, line 3398
Delete extra space before omp_lib