
OpenMP Timeline

2021-09-23T17:31:29-07:00Jun 27, 2014|

The latest issue of Intel's Parallel Universe magazine has a wonderful graphic that depicts the history of the OpenMP specifications (on page 41):

Latest News Items

2020-09-08T08:43:52-07:00Jun 04, 2014|

Here are a few news items relating to OpenMP: Multicore Software Development Kit for HPC available now for Keystone II devices, incl. OpenMP, OpenCL & MPI Article on The New World of Embedded Multicore Processing with Open Programming Models Article on programming heterogeneous multicore embedded SoCs Article [...]


2018-07-01T01:54:10-07:00Apr 02, 2014|

CALL FOR PAPERS 10th International Workshop on OpenMP IWOMP 2014 Using and Improving OpenMP for Devices, Tasks and More September 28-30, 2014 SENAI CIMATEC - Salvador, Bahia, Brazil The International Workshop on OpenMP is the premier forum to present and discuss issues, trends, recent research ideas and results related [...]

PPCES 2014 : HPC Seminar and Workshop : March 10-14

2018-07-01T01:54:10-07:00Mar 03, 2014|

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science Monday, March 10 - Friday, March 14, 2014vin Aachen, Germany This event will continue the tradition of previous annual week-long events that take place in Aachen every spring since 2001. Throughout the week we will cover a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from [...]

OpenMP ARB Issues New Mission Statement

2018-07-01T01:54:10-07:00Feb 27, 2014|

In recent years, OpenMP has shifted from being solely focused on shared- memory systems to also include accelerators, embedded systems, multicore and real-time systems. Today the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB) releases a new Mission Statement to formalize this change. A technical report on directives for attached accelerators was first [...]

Dieter an Mey Appointed to OpenMP Board of Directors

2021-09-23T17:18:34-07:00Feb 14, 2014|

February 13, 2014 - Champaign, Illinois - The OpenMP ARB, a group of leading hardware and software vendors and research organizations developing the OpenMP API specification for shared-memory parallelization, appointed Dieter an Mey to its Board of Directors. Dieter brings a wealth of experience as an OpenMP user to the [...]

Updated OpenMP 4.0 Examples

2021-09-23T17:31:36-07:00Feb 10, 2014|

An update to the OpenMP 4.0 Examples document is now available. It adds new examples that demonstrate  use of the proc_bind clause to control thread binding for a team of threads in a parallel region. Also, new examples for the taskgroup construct. »OpenMP 4.0.1 Examples (PDF)

Spring Lang Committee Meeting Scheduled

2014-01-30T16:11:12-07:00Jan 30, 2014|

As the Winter face-to-face meeting of the OpenMP Language Committee winds down at Intel in Santa Clara, CA, we can announce the date and location of the next meeting in the Spring: Spring F2F Meeting At: Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, UK Dates: April 12-16 (Sat-Wed) Hosts: Michael Wong and James [...]

Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Tutorial Available

2021-09-23T17:18:39-07:00Jan 30, 2014|

Slides and audio from the day-long tutorial on MPI and OpenMP programming presented at Supercomputing 13 in Denver in  November 2013 is now available. »Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Parallel Programming MPI + OpenMP and other models on clusters of SMP nodes - Rolf Rabenseifner, Georg Hager, Gabriele Jost

Lang Committee Meeting January 27-31 in Santa Clara

2014-01-15T10:22:26-07:00Jan 15, 2014|

The OpenMP Lang Committee will be holding its first face-to-face meeting of 2014 on the Intel campus in Santa Clara, CA January 27-31. This meeting will include breakout sessions and presentations by the various subcommittees (Accelerator, Error Model, Interoperability, Fortran, Tasking, Examples) as work continues to develop the next version [...]

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