HPC Seminar and Workshop

Monday, March 19 – Friday, March 23, 2012

Center for Computing and Communication RWTH Aachen University, Germany

This event will continue the tradition of previous annual week-long events taking place in Aachen every spring since 2001. Throughout the week, we will cover serial (Monday) and parallel programming using MPI (Tuesday) and OpenMP (Wednesday) in Fortran and C / C++ as well as performance tuning addressing both Linux and Windows platforms. Furthermore, we will introduce the participants to GPGPU programming (Thursday) and provide ample opportunities for hands-on exercises including a “bring-your-own-code” session on Friday. These topics are presented in a modular way, so that you can choose, pick and register for single days in order to let you invest your time as efficiently as possible.

Attendees should be comfortable with C/C++ or Fortran programming and interested in learning more about the technical details of application tuning and parallelization on their favored platform (Windows or Linux). The presentations will be given in English.

The seminar is free. Allocation is on a first come, first served basis, as we are limited in capacity. Please register separately for any session you intend to participate. Go to: http://www.rz.rwth-aachen.de/ppces for more information. The event is sponsored by the company Bull