Intel’s Tim Mattson’s Introduction to OpenMP video tutorial is now available.
Unit 1: Getting started with OpenMP
–Module 1: Introduction to parallel programming
–Module 2: The boring bits: Using an OpenMP compiler (hello world)
–Discussion 1: Hello world and how threads work
Unit 2: The core features of OpenMP
–Module 3: Creating Threads (the Pi program)
–Discussion 2: The simple Pi program and why it sucks
–Module 4: Synchronization (Pi program revisited)
–Discussion 3: Synchronization overhead and eliminating false sharing
–Module 5: Parallel Loops (making the Pi program simple)
–Discussion 4: Pi program wrap-up
Unit 3: Working with OpenMP
–Module 6: Synchronize single masters and stuff
–Module 7: Data environment
–Discussion 5: Debugging OpenMP programs
–Module 8: Skills practice … linked lists and OpenMP
–Discussion 6: Different ways to traverse linked lists
Unit 4: a few advanced OpenMP topics
–Module 9: Tasks (linked lists the easy way)
–Discussion 7: Understanding Tasks
–Module 10: The scary stuff … Memory model, atomics, and flush (pairwise synch).
–Discussion 8: The pitfalls of pairwise synchronization
–Module 11: Threadprivate Data and how to support libraries (Pi again)
–Discussion 9: Random number generators
Unit 5: Recapitulation
»Introduction to OpenMP Tutorial
Thanks go to the University Program Office at Intel for making this tutorial available.